visvimの101 DOWN VESTです。peerless限定。購入時のまま保管していました。購入時の付属は画像の通りです。(画像9)カラーはGREYです。サイズは2です。SIZE : 2 Down vest made from cotton-nylon blend fabricNatural dyed, garment dyedDamage processedWhite goose down fillingOriginal patch detailOriginal snap buttonsPlease Note : 50% Cotton , 50% NylonSIZE 2 : Length 26.7 , Shoulder 15.4 , Chest 46.9 (inch) Due to the use of natural dyes, the outward appearance of items may vary slightly from one another. For certain items, mud may be applied for an added effect. The fabric used may vary in color and pattern from item to item. Products may shrink slightly when washed.FILアウターICTブーツダウン ベストワッペンインディゴINDIGOデニム